Voice List
This list shows the contents of “DX7 Librarian Official Database”.
There’s no duplicate voice, no junk voice in the database.
I’d like to let the database have every single DX7 voice in the world!
As of Feb.22 2009, I finished uploading all of the voices I have.
There’s no duplicate voice, no junk voice in the database.
I’d like to let the database have every single DX7 voice in the world!
As of Feb.22 2009, I finished uploading all of the voices I have.
<< < … 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 > >> | 32 items per page |
Total number of registered voices: 14597 |
ID | Voice Name | Tone Group | Comment | Count |
14465 | SCAT OLKMO | Synth Lead | weird3.dx7 01of32 | 7 |
14466 | SLX 2 | Synth Lead | weird3.dx7 04of32 | 3 |
14467 | SLX 5 | Synth Effects | weird3.dx7 07of32 | 2 |
14468 | SP PITCH | Sound Effects | weird3.dx7 08of32 | 5 |
14469 | SPACE TALK | Sound Effects | weird3.dx7 12of32 | 8 |
14470 | SPACENOIS3 | Sound Effects | weird3.dx7 14of32 | 7 |
14471 | SPACENOISE | Sound Effects | weird3.dx7 15of32 | 5 |
14472 | SawDown }1 | Synth Effects | weird3.dx7 17of32 | 3 |
14473 | SmoothSqr1 | Synth Lead | weird3.dx7 19of32 | 6 |
14474 | Spi Efx 2 | Synth Effects | weird3.dx7 23of32 | 4 |
14475 | SqrThang1a | Organ | weird3.dx7 24of32 | 8 |
14476 | SqrThang2a | Organ | weird3.dx7 25of32 | 3 |
14477 | SqurSwep1a | Synth Lead | weird3.dx7 26of32 | 7 |
14478 | SqurSwep2a | Synth Lead | weird3.dx7 27of32 | 7 |
14479 | TAKE ME | Piano | weird3.dx7 28of32 | 14 |
14480 | UPSEEEEEEE | Sound Effects | weird3.dx7 31of32 | 4 |
14481 | UPSWEEEEEP | Sound Effects | weird3.dx7 32of32 | 7 |
14482 | THE FLUTE | Pipe | wwind1.dx7 05of32 | 5 |
14483 | BASS FLUTE | Pipe | wwind1.dx7 06of32 | 3 |
14484 | YUCKFLOOT | Pipe | wwind1.dx7 08of32 | 3 |
14485 | RECORDER | Pipe | wwind1.dx7 09of32 | 2 |
14486 | ODD FLUTEE | Pipe | wwind1.dx7 10of32 | 2 |
14487 | FLUTESPAC1 | Ensamble | wwind1.dx7 26of32 | 8 |
14488 | FLUTE DEV1 | Ensamble | wwind1.dx7 27of32 | 4 |
14489 | FLUTE DEV2 | Ensamble | wwind1.dx7 28of32 | 2 |
14490 | FLUTE DEV3 | Ensamble | wwind1.dx7 29of32 | 3 |
14491 | FLUTE DEV4 | Ensamble | wwind1.dx7 30of32 | 0 |
14492 | FLUTE DEV6 | Ensamble | wwind1.dx7 31of32 | 1 |
14493 | BassFlute1 | Pipe | wwind2.dx7 01of32 | 3 |
14494 | DUET-JARRE | Ensamble | wwind2.dx7 04of32 | 13 |
14495 | FLTMIN3RDS | Pipe | wwind2.dx7 06of32 | 2 |
14496 | FLUTE4THS | Pipe | wwind2.dx7 07of32 | 3 |