English Japanese
Q What is DX7?
A A synthesizer manufactured by the Yamaha Corporation from 1983 to 1986.
Wikipedia: DX7
Vintage Synth Explorler: YAMAHA DX7
Q What is DX7 Librarian?
A An editor/librarian application for DX7 which runs on Macintosh.
Q My DX7 seems not having communication with DX7 Librarian. Why?
A DX7 turns it’s settings for the communication off every time it powers up.
So you need to have do following instruction on your DX7:

– Press “SPACE”.
– Press “8″ a few times until you see “SYS INFO UNAVAIL” on LCD.
– Press “+1″. LCD turns to show “SYS INFO AVAIL”.
– Press “-1″. LCD turns to show “INTERNAL OFF”.

Then your DX7 is ready to communicate with DX7 Librarian.

If your DX7 does not respond, check MIDI receive channel on DX7.

Q How can I make a file with 32 voices?
A Follow these steps:

– Open voice windows as many as you want.
– Choose “Assemble Window” from File menu. Opened voices in previous step are shown in left list in the window.
– Click one of the voice in left list. Then double-click on somewhere in right list. (shift-click, cmd-click also works)
– Repeat the step above until right list are filled up with your choice.
– Click on “Assemble” button. Then new window filled with the 32 voices will be opened.
– Save the window.

Choosing “Current Data” in Transmit menu while 32-voices window is front-most, the 32 voices are sent to your DX7.
Q How can I backup 32 voices on DX7?
A Follow these steps:

On your DX7:
– Press “SPACE”.
– Press “8″ a few times until you see “SYS INFO UNAVAIL” on LCD.
– Press “+1″. LCD turns to show “SYS INFO AVAIL”.
– Press “8″. LCD turns to show “MIDI TRANSMIT ?”.
– Press “+1″.

Then DX7 Librarian receives data from your DX7 and opens a new 32-voice window.

On DX7 Librarian:
– Save the window.


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