Voice List
This list shows the contents of “DX7 Librarian Official Database”.
There’s no duplicate voice, no junk voice in the database.
I’d like to let the database have every single DX7 voice in the world!
As of Feb.22 2009, I finished uploading all of the voices I have.
There’s no duplicate voice, no junk voice in the database.
I’d like to let the database have every single DX7 voice in the world!
As of Feb.22 2009, I finished uploading all of the voices I have.
<< < … 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 … > >> | 32 items per page |
Total number of registered voices: 14597 |
ID | Voice Name | Tone Group | Comment | Count |
8225 | AMADEUSORG | Organ | DUMP1.WRK-24 03of32 | 4 |
8226 | HARLEM E.P | Piano | DUMP1.WRK-24 04of32 | 6 |
8227 | NIKITABAS3 | Bass | DUMP1.WRK-24 05of32 | 14 |
8228 | BRUCE BASS | Bass | DUMP1.WRK-24 06of32 | 10 |
8229 | G B STRING | Strings | DUMP1.WRK-24 07of32 | 4 |
8230 | AMADEUSTOM | Percussive | DUMP1.WRK-24 08of32 | 7 |
8231 | CONGAS OWN | Chromatic Percussion | DUMP1.WRK-24 09of32 | 5 |
8232 | AMADEUSBAS | Bass | DUMP1.WRK-24 10of32 | 13 |
8233 | JX8 STR 3 | Strings | DUMP1.WRK-24 12of32 | 13 |
8234 | WALKORGAN. | Organ | DUMP1.WRK-24 14of32 | 7 |
8235 | MONEY ORG2 | Organ | DUMP1.WRK-24 16of32 | 8 |
8236 | BRICK ORG | Organ | DUMP1.WRK-24 17of32 | 7 |
8237 | NOWHEREBAS | Bass | DUMP1.WRK-24 18of32 | 5 |
8238 | F1 11 BOMB | Sound Effects | DUMP1.WRK-24 19of32 | 4 |
8239 | OWNMARIMBA | Chromatic Percussion | DUMP1.WRK-24 20of32 | 5 |
8240 | WHITENOISE | Sound Effects | DUMP1.WRK-24 21of32 | 3 |
8241 | CHINA BASS | Bass | DUMP1.WRK-24 22of32 | 11 |
8242 | PIANO OWN | Piano | DUMP1.WRK-24 23of32 | 3 |
8243 | BB-GRAND | Piano | DUMP1.WRK-24 24of32 | 3 |
8244 | NITEMAR ST | Strings | DUMP1.WRK-24 25of32 | 0 |
8245 | F1 11 FUZZ | Bass | DUMP1.WRK-24 26of32 | 6 |
8246 | NIKITABELL | Chromatic Percussion | DUMP1.WRK-24 27of32 | 5 |
8247 | NIKITABAS2 | Bass | DUMP1.WRK-24 28of32 | 9 |
8248 | BB STR 1 | Strings | DUMP1.WRK-24 29of32 | 3 |
8249 | BB STR 2 | Strings | DUMP1.WRK-24 30of32 | 3 |
8250 | SIMM0NSSN3 | Percussive | DUMP1.WRK-24 31of32 | 7 |
8251 | HARD PIANO | Piano | DUMP1.WRK-24 32of32 | 2 |
8252 | ACC. PIANO | Piano | DUMP1.WRK-25 01of32 | 4 |
8253 | CP-80 | Piano | DUMP1.WRK-25 02of32 | 13 |
8254 | FATSYNTH B | Synth Lead | DUMP1.WRK-25 03of32 | 5 |
8255 | ELEC.PNO B | Piano | DUMP1.WRK-25 05of32 | 2 |
8256 | E.ORGAN B | Organ | DUMP1.WRK-25 06of32 | 2 |
NOTE: Voices with yellow background color have some parameter out of range. |