Voice List

English Japanese
This list shows the contents of “DX7 Librarian Official Database”.
There’s no duplicate voice, no junk voice in the database.
I’d like to let the database have every single DX7 voice in the world!
As of Feb.22 2009, I finished uploading all of the voices I have.
<<  <  …  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  …  >  >> 16 items per page
Total number of registered voices: 14597
ID Voice Name Tone Group Comment Count
14469 SPACE TALK Sound Effects weird3.dx7 12of32 8
14468 SP PITCH Sound Effects weird3.dx7 08of32 5
14467 SLX 5 Synth Effects weird3.dx7 07of32 2
14466 SLX 2 Synth Lead weird3.dx7 04of32 3
14465 SCAT OLKMO Synth Lead weird3.dx7 01of32 7
14464 S-H ZIBBLE Synth Effects weird2.dx7 30of32 3
14463 Randomoiz4 Sound Effects weird2.dx7 24of32 6
14462 RandmNots3 Sound Effects weird2.dx7 20of32 4
14461 RATS NOSE Organ weird2.dx7 14of32 5
14460 PURGATORY Synth Lead weird2.dx7 09of32 12
14459 PEDL1SWEEP Synth Lead weird2.dx7 06of32 3
14458 Ouygue 2 Synth Lead weird2.dx7 05of32 5
14457 Ouygue 1 Synth Lead weird2.dx7 04of32 8
14456 Neg Env. 1 Synth Effects weird2.dx7 01of32 4
14455 #$@%&*/?!! Percussive weird1.dx7 26of32 18
14454 ZEUS SOUND Sound Effects weird1.dx7 25of32 17

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