Voice List

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このリストは「DX7 Librarian Official Database」の内容を示しています。
<<  <  …  900  901  902  903  904  905  906  907  908  …  >  >> 16 items per page
Total number of registered voices: 14597
ID Voice Name Tone Group Comment Count
14449 MONO-2 Synth Effects weird1.dx7 13of32 6
14450 NAMI 99 Sound Effects weird1.dx7 16of32 13
14451 BIRD SONG1 Synth Effects weird1.dx7 21of32 6
14452 SAY AGAIN. Synth Effects weird1.dx7 22of32 8
14453 B-MOVIE Sound Effects weird1.dx7 23of32 17
14454 ZEUS SOUND Sound Effects weird1.dx7 25of32 17
14455 #$@%&*/?!! Percussive weird1.dx7 26of32 18
14456 Neg Env. 1 Synth Effects weird2.dx7 01of32 4
14457 Ouygue 1 Synth Lead weird2.dx7 04of32 8
14458 Ouygue 2 Synth Lead weird2.dx7 05of32 5
14459 PEDL1SWEEP Synth Lead weird2.dx7 06of32 3
14460 PURGATORY Synth Lead weird2.dx7 09of32 12
14461 RATS NOSE Organ weird2.dx7 14of32 5
14462 RandmNots3 Sound Effects weird2.dx7 20of32 4
14463 Randomoiz4 Sound Effects weird2.dx7 24of32 6
14464 S-H ZIBBLE Synth Effects weird2.dx7 30of32 3

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