Voice List

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このリストは「DX7 Librarian Official Database」の内容を示しています。
<<  <  …  906  907  908  909  910  911  912  913  >  >> 16 items per page
Total number of registered voices: 14597
ID Voice Name Tone Group Comment Count
14126 *Bass-Pipe Ensamble jb001.dx7 18of32 0
14150 AUTOHARP6a Strings jfd001.dx7 02of32 0
14169 BsEPiano8a Ensamble kq_sampl.dx7 03of32 0
14215 PIPES – 1 Organ organ1.dx7 25of32 0
14216 SCMORG 8.7 Organ organ1.dx7 31of32 0
14269 Strg/StDrm Ensamble pr01.dx7 09of32 0
14292 KEY-BRASS Ensamble pr02.dx7 09of32 0
14314 bt.trmpt 2 Brass pr03.dx7 17of32 0
14345 Rebbe Reed starma.dx7 15of32 0
14411 BR TRPT BC Brass tfrack01.dx7 13of32 0
14412 BAROQUE TR Brass tfrack01.dx7 14of32 0
14414 HARMONICT Organ tfrack01.dx7 16of32 0
14416 MED STRG Strings tfrack01.dx7 18of32 0
14434 BRASS 5 Brass tfrack02.dx7 08of32 0
14491 FLUTE DEV4 Ensamble wwind1.dx7 30of32 0
14505 BASSOON 2 Reed wwind2.dx7 29of32 0

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