Voice List

English Japanese
このリストは「DX7 Librarian Official Database」の内容を示しています。
<<  <  …  906  907  908  909  910  911  912  913  >  >> 16 items per page
Total number of registered voices: 14597
ID Voice Name Tone Group Comment Count
10829 {Simmons!} Percussive bbank1.32 04of32 15
13059 --SYNTH Synth Lead analog4.dx7 21of32 6
11395 BES BASS Bass mike1.32 23of32 13
12906 IESTEH Synth Lead Solange.8.bank 21of32 7
11683 T Bend> 1 Synth Lead ortega12.32 24of32 5

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