Voice List

English Japanese
This list shows the contents of “DX7 Librarian Official Database”.
There’s no duplicate voice, no junk voice in the database.
I’d like to let the database have every single DX7 voice in the world!
As of Feb.22 2009, I finished uploading all of the voices I have.
<<  <  …  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  …  >  >> 16 items per page
Total number of registered voices: 14597
ID Voice Name Tone Group Comment Count
51 PIPES 4 Pipe DX7 VOICE ROM 1-B 19 53
203 Anna Logge Brass Audionaut: analog_2.asb-01 11of32 53
263 BASS-1 Bass Audionaut: bass_01.asb-01 07of32 53
318 BASS GROWL Bass Audionaut: bass_02.asb-01 30of32 53
3992 CS-80 1985 Piano Audionaut: mortega.asb-01 20of32 53
7694 JUPITER B Synth Lead DUMP1.WRK-01 31of32 53
13546 AmbiSYNTH1 Synth Pad dxoc07.dx7 25of32 53
14575 VOICE 18.6 Synth Pad Submit by Jack Overfull 53
80 BRASS 8 Brass DX7 VOICE ROM 2-A 16 52
91 GONG 2 Chromatic Percussion DX7 VOICE ROM 2-A 27 52
386 HIP BASS Bass Audionaut: bass_05.asb-01 02of32 52
438 PLUCKBASS2 Bass Audionaut: bass_06.asb-01 22of32 52
1877 MIAMI RISE Synth Effects Audionaut: divers.asb-01 04of32 52
2697 ‘Rhodes!!! Piano Audionaut: harpsi_2.asb-01 20of32 52
3017 Polymoog 2 Synth Lead Audionaut: misc_07.asb-01 26of32 52
7909 *Prophet 2 Synth Pad DUMP1.WRK-11 15of32 52
NOTE: Voices with yellow background color have some parameter out of range.

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