Voice List

English Japanese
This list shows the contents of “DX7 Librarian Official Database”.
There’s no duplicate voice, no junk voice in the database.
I’d like to let the database have every single DX7 voice in the world!
As of Feb.22 2009, I finished uploading all of the voices I have.
<<  <  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  …  >  >> 16 items per page
Total number of registered voices: 14597
ID Voice Name Tone Group Comment Count
10711 CHAMBERORC Ensamble angelo.32 04of32 3
10712 DIGI-CLAV1 Piano angelo.32 05of32 5
10713 MARIMBA Chromatic Percussion angelo.32 07of32 9
10714 DYNORHODES Piano angelo.32 08of32 13
10715 PIANO Piano angelo.32 09of32 5
10716 FLANGDBASS Bass angelo.32 10of32 10
10717 LEAD-GUITR Guitar angelo.32 11of32 1
10718 JUMP …. Brass angelo.32 12of32 8
10719 JEROME Ensamble angelo.32 14of32 7
10720 AERIELBOND Brass angelo.32 16of32 4
10721 TOM DRUMS Percussive angelo.32 17of32 8
10722 MEDL XPRSV Piano angelo.32 18of32 2
10723 SYNDRUM 1 Percussive angelo.32 20of32 5
10724 SITAR Guitar angelo.32 21of32 2
10725 MONDRE Ethnic angelo.32 23of32 7
10726 DOLBY SPLT Ensamble angelo.32 26of32 3

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